It’s that time of the year again!! November and December can completely shift your revenue for the year, which means you need to take advantage of these obvious opportunities! This is where you really want to do a sales push because it’s likely ALL of your customers are on the hunt for that perfect holiday gift be it wall art or albums.

We’ve devised these tips to help keep you in TIP TOP shape as you prepare for that perfectly timed promotion or holiday sale!
- Freshen up your website (no sense in driving new traffic to an outdated site) *EEK*
- Make sure your site is responsive and fast! Are you getting notified if someone arrives on your site and asks a question?
- Remember what makes you unique, your competitive advantage and be sure to play to your strengths i.e. don’t try to compete with high-volume studios if you’re a boutique style studio
- Unique Perspective “the un-cyber Monday sale”: We’d rather see you in person – @topshelfstyle on Instagram did a great job of this
- Add sale graphics to your social pages and maybe even to your homepage or create a popup graphic – these would be great for your Instagram stories too!
- Get people excited beforehand! i.e. Exclusive offers to your email list and start promoting early
- Collaboration – ask yourself who you can partner with to ultimately multiply your revenue
- Exclusivity (offering a private sale) – you can use email automation to do this!
- Countdown widgets – this is HUGE if you want to create a sense of urgency, which comes in very handy during the holiday season
- Paid ads (make sure you have a pixel installed to capture interested buyers)
- TEST everything – check out pages and make sure all of your links are working – especially if you have a limited sales page running
Types of Promotions you Can Run:
- Percentage discounts – Most common and popular promotion type
- xx dollars off – An alternative to “percent-off” deals, this promotion involves discounting items by a flat dollar amount (e.g., $5 off or $20 off).
- BOGO – Great for moving inventory (do you have any product in your studio or house that you’ve been DYING to get rid of *ding, ding*
- Multi-buys – Another great way to move stock, but the success depends on the type of product.
- Multi-save and conditional – These include offerings like “Buy and save off the entire sale” or “Spend X and get Y”